Cumberland Township Historical Society held at the Navan Curling Club

In Attendance:
Gerard Boyer – President
Tom McNeely – Vice president
Gilles Chartrand – Treasurer
Board Members: I. Tanner, G. Chartrand, Jeannie Smith
(List of CTHS members present recorded by treasurer)

Special Guests:
Emma Kent – Historical Society OF Ottawa (HSO)
Erik Foisy – HSO
Catherine Kitts, Orléans-Navan Ward, City of Ottawa

The meeting started at 7:15 p.m. with an opening review of the past year’s accomplishments by the president Gerard Boyer. We published 3 issues of the Caboose, maintained the website and supported the publication of new books.

We continue to work on the plaques for the Forced Road, and report that, as of today, we have an agreement as to where they will be installed (City of Ottawa).

Our latest book about the 1943 Red Cross Quilt was completed and the book is now on sale. Thanks to Jeannie Smith for her work in helping bring this book to print.

The PLAQUES and post -pandemic changes. City of Ottawa has finally approved location for the Forced Road signage plaques. Staff changes, policy changes and COVID are to blame. Thank you to Catherine Kitts for her help in sorting this issue out with the City of Ottawa.

Gerard thanked his executive for their support over the past decade and the people of the area for their support.

We will also hear from our treasurer Gilles Chartrand with a financial update, followed by I .Tanner who will act as the Elections officer for the meeting.

Financial Report – Gilles Chartrand

The financial report was presented and there being no questions a motion to accept was put forward by I .Tanner, Seconded by Jeannie Smith . Motion carried.

Elections – I .Tanner

Nominations were declared open for the position of President. As there were no nominations from the floor, elections were closed and the position of President vacant. Nominations from the floor were called three times and the elections officer declared the elections closed.

There was no motion to suspend the constitution for another year to allow incumbents to remain in their positions.

Where do we go next?

A motion was made to set up a caretaker committee to wind down operations over the next 12 months. Moved by Gerry, Second by Jeannie – carried

A second motion was put forward that should someone come forward to assume the president position within the next three months a special General Meeting will be held and the process of dissolution be stopped. Moved by Gilles, Second by Eilleen – carried

Gerard Boyer interjects that we should not put a time limit on ourselves, but work to find new candidates but the motion passed with the three month limit.

Motion to retain representatives from Orleans-Navan, Orleans-Cumberland and Osgoode – Vars was put forward. Moved by Bob Walsh, Seconded by Bill Edwards.

Motion carried.

Representatives will be : Tom McNeely -Orleans Cumberland, I .Tanner – Vars -Osgoode, and Treasurer Gilles Chartrand. No Orleans-Navan ward representative.

Ivan Tanner introduced our guests from the Historical Society of Ottawa president Emma Kent/ Erik Foisy, Vice President. There ensued an open discussion of the possibility of our organization being integrated into theirs.

One of the main issues is our Reading Room material which is very precious to our

Society and the community.

The HSO members stated that they have no physical archives or permanent type meeting place or office. They are in the process of digitizing their material and they have zero artifacts.

Erik mentioned that we might be better to hook up with another neighbouring association such as the Gloucester Historical Society which is closer geographically than the City of Ottawa. All of the HSO material is on-line and he urged us to check out the Website.

Jeannie Smith stated that written into the August 1998 minutes of the CTHS Executive meeting a motion was made to the effect, that if the CTHS disbanded, CTHS materials in the history room at the Cumberland Library would be turned over to the library. Therefore a City of Ottawa Librarian could help us determine what to keep and what to toss. The Library Board, with Councillors Catherine Kitts and Matt Luloff, would be involved in the decision of closing the history room. Digitizing materials is an onerous task that requires hours of work, a volunteer to organize and manage but it is wonderful that one of our membership, Marcia Kennedy, a trained librarian, offered to assist in the process. All hands on deck to support her.

Issues to be dealt with in the next three months include Reading Room, Book sales, Caboose, Plaques, website, and finalization of various projects.

Other Business: NONE

Ivan Tanner presented a plaque and gift card to Gerard , thanking him for his ten years of service to the CTHS as president, and his support to the membership .

The president thanked everyone for being there and mentioned that some cookies and juices were available.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50

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