October 13, 2023 Dear Members, Last May at the Annual General Meeting of this Society when a new President was not forthcoming, a motion was reluctantly made to wind down and disband our Society after the existing commitments were fulfilled. Should no new leader come forward by the end of the Navan Fair a “caretaker committee” consisting of Gilles Chartrand, Tom McNeely and Ivan Tanner was established to oversee that
Cumberland Township Historical Society held at the Navan Curling Club In Attendance: Gerard Boyer – President Tom McNeely – Vice president Gilles Chartrand – Treasurer Board Members: I. Tanner, G. Chartrand, Jeannie Smith (List of CTHS members present recorded by treasurer) Special Guests: Emma Kent – Historical Society OF Ottawa (HSO) Erik Foisy – HSO Catherine Kitts, Orléans-Navan Ward, City of Ottawa The meeting started at 7:15 p.m. with an
On sale at $25.00, contact Jeannie Smith at 613 833 2877 or e-mail at jeannie279glen@rogers.com. The quilt itself will be on display in Dupuis house at the Cumberland Heritage Village Museum from Mothers’ Day until Thanksgiving. En français le titre est le même, Coût $25.00, contactez Jeannie Smith au 613 833 2877 ou par courriel : jeannie279glen@rogers.com. La couverture elle-même sera en exposition à la maison Dupuis au Musée-village du patrimoine
Rediscovery of a Cumberland WWII quilt with 700+ names stitched into it. List of names on signature quilt pages 1-10
In 1941 as the magnitude of the Second World War was beginning to strike home, Canadian families bid farewell to sons and daughters as they enlisted to go overseas. Many of these young people were wounded or killed in battle, or taken prisoner and sent to POW camps. How did Cumberland Township residents support their troops? They made a quilt. Money was collected from family, friends and neighbours, and their
Liz and Tish Ling across the street from Lancaster’s store ( later Lawless’ store) in Cumberland. The store was on the NE corner of Old Montreal Rd. and Cameron St. (c1965)
Liz and Tish Ling across the street from Lancaster’s store ( later Lawless’ store) in Cumberland. The store was on the NE corner of Old Montreal Rd. and Cameron St. (c1965)