Antoine Morin and Émélie Paiement dite Larivière, Cumberland Settlers has just been published.  It details the first two generations of this family in the Cumberland area (1850’s to 1947).  97 pages long, it includes full family charts of all of Antoine Morin’s children, and all of Philippe Morin’s children.  A copy has  been purchased by the Cumberland Township Historical Society and is available for loan from the reading room of

The Cenotaph in Navan, Ontario, honours 23 men who died in the South Africa War, World Wars I and II, and UN/NATO service. Who were these men, their parents, their siblings? Where did they live? Where did they serve? Where are they buried? Eileen Vaillancourt and Laurie Watson of Navan have researched their stories and have compiled a book of their biographies along with pictures of the honour rolls kept

by Jeannie Smith A Doctor’s Tale details the life, times and family of her Great-grandfather, Dr. James Ferguson, physician, surgeon, coroner and Reeve in Cumberland Township from 1861-1921. Included are Dr. Ferguson’s personal letters, as well as accounts written by his son J. D. Ferguson and grandson Dr. Douglas Ferguson. Pictures from Ferguson family albums bring to life the story of a dedicated doctor who faithfully served Cumberland residents.  

  Now on sale $6.00  Also available at Bradley’s in Navan, at the Black Walnut Bakery in Cumberland, at Da Artisti in Cumberland at the Clarence-Rockland museum in Rockland.

Glimpses of Cumberland Township 287 pages Published by Burnstown Publishing House, and retails for $25. (*taxes+shipping additional) Purchase online: contact the Cumberland Township Historical Society via email:

Cumberland Township, Russell County, Ontario is a place east of Ottawa where a variety of individuals came at the beginning of the 19th century to fi nd opportunity or to settle and farm. There were no known pre-existing settlements, no largescale intent nor a uniquely enticing attraction. Although granted in large part on paper to United Empire Loyalists or to militia men having served in the War of 1812, none

by: Jean-Noel Dessaint Par Jean-Noël Dessaint Les sillons de ma vie, écrit par un fondateur de notre soiciété historique, Jean-Noël Dessaint, raconte sa vie de fermier, de père de famille et de leader communautaire dans sa communauté de Sarsfield dans le canton de Cumberland dans l’est de l’Ontario.  Ce livre est un reflet fidèle de l’histoire locale et de la culture franco-ontarienne de ce temps. Publié par la famille Dessaint

by: Cumberland Township Historical Society Memories of Cumberland Township tells the 20 year history of the Cumberland Township Historical Society. The book includes pictures, never before seen…taken from personal family photo albums, of the Villages of Bearbrook, Cumberland, Leonard, Navan, Sarsfield, Vars and some of the lost villages such as Canaan. It is 186 pages, written in English and French. Published by the Society in 2006. (ISBN 0-9687196-6-x)

by: Cumberland Township Historical Society An excellent reference for those interested in Dale’s Cemetery in Cumberland Village. “The land for this beautifully situated and well groomed cemetery was given by William Dale. It lies south of Old Montreal Road, about ¾ mile east of the Village of Cumberland, and comprises 7.6 acres in the north-easterly part of Lot 11, Concession 1 of the old Township of Cumberland. We know nothing

by: Gerald E. Poaps An excellent reference for those interested in the families, businesses and public institutions that comprised Leonard, Ontario in days gone by. Written by Gerald E. Poaps and published by the Society in 2002. (ISBN 0-9687196-1-9). Cost: $15.00 including postage.